Saturday, February 14, 2009

A couple of notes to my players

I would like to make a couple of announcements

  • I would like to tell my players to start looking through the players hand book or the adventurer's vault, to make a wish list, a list that tells me all the awesome magic items you would like. This doesn't mean you may actually get them, but it will give me the general idea of what you want. The item must be between level 1 to level 3.
  • Some Roleplaying tips that are useful
  • I will post this weeks summary of our game very soon


  1. So we pick out the loot? Well, if you say so!

    (1)Magic +1
    (2)Flesh Seeker +1
    (2)Holy Healer's +1
    (2)Resounding +1

    (2)Bloodguard Shield
    (2)Razor Armor +1
    (2)Savage Armor +1
    (2)Screaming Armor +1
    (3)Meliorating Armor +1
    (3)Shield of Protection

    Magic Items:
    (1)Headband of Perception
    (1)Amulet of Protection

    Hope that helps. See ya next week.

  2. See ya next week Ryawn, don't forgot to follow this blog
